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Beijing Rongzhi Haida Biotech Co., Ltd.( RZHD) is a professional supplier of in-vitro diagnostic products provider, offering bone biomarkers, respiratory, gastrology, cardiovascular, growth factors assays and bone disease or tumor related animal model.


With its headquarter in Beijing, China, RZHD expand its business national wide with its core business in Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Shangdong, Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, Shanxi, Hainan, Guangxi, etc.


Until now, RZHD has established favorable cooperation relationship with IDS, SAVYON, CERTEST, PHARMATEST, BIOMEDICA, BIOMERICA, MEDIAGNOST, IMMUTOPICS, IMMUDIAGNOSTIK, and etc.


With the great mission of introducing world leading in-vitro diagnostics into China, assist to improve the R&D level of Chinese researchers and the diagnostic level of different labs, RZHD will continue devoting itself to the new assays with potential diagnostics significance.

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(BJ)ICP12047214 Technical support:wanmeiweb.com