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Savvygen Giardia


The Savvygen™GI- Giardia test is intended for qualitative detection of Giardia lamblia by real time PCR in human feces. The test is intended to be used in the clinical laboratories for diagnosis of Giardia lamblia gastrointestinal infections alongside clinical data of the patient and other laboratory tests outcomes.

Giardia lamblia (synonyms are Giardia intestinalis and Giardia duodenalis) is a common zoonotic protozoan that causes one of the most frequently diagnosed intestinal parasitic disease, giardiasis. A large number of different G. lamblia genotypes or assemblages have been detected (A to H); however humans are mainly infected by assemblages A and B. The largest impact of the disease can be found in developing countries but the parasite is found worldwide. The main routes of transmission are person-to-person by the fecal-oral route, as well as contaminated food and water. The spectrum of clinical manifestations seen in human giardiasis include from mild transient intestinal complaints that resolve completely, to a complex of symptoms consisting of an acute onset of diarrhea, abdominal cramps, bloating and flatulence often accompanied by nausea and weight loss lasting for up to 7 weeks.

The Savvygen™GI- Giardia Real-Time test is a ready-to used test which contains in each well all the necessary reagents for real time PCR assay in a stabilized format. In addition, an internal control allows the detection of a possible reaction inhibition. The amplification of the target sequence is detected through the FAM channel whereas the internal control (IC) in HEX channel.

Catalog No Product name Tests/kit Approvals
602-01 Savvygen Giardia 48 CE
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